The magic and power of language during the holiday season
Christmas is a time when the words that we say, hear, write, and read carry emotions, memories and traditions. They evoke a range of feelings, be it joy, nostalgia, stress or tension.
How does language actually affect the way we enjoy the holidays, and how can we contribute to creating a pleasant atmosphere? We have given it some thought…
Words can create an atmosphere of understanding, respect and kindness, but they can also cause unnecessary misunderstandings or be hurtful. Spoken and written expression has the power to strengthen interpersonal relationships and emit positive energy. Perhaps especially during the holidays.
From kind words to a festive atmosphere
The Christmas season is typically associated with a collection of expressions that automatically evoke various feelings within us. Just think of expressions like “peaceful holidays”, “Merry Christmas” or “a time of peace and harmony”. These have the power to awaken in us a warm feeling of well-being and closeness that we usually associate with childhood and families getting together.
However, we also often hear phrases like the “Christmas rush” or the “stress of getting gifts” that can unconsciously make us feel anxious about preparations and shopping. Sometimes you just need to change your point of view. Instead of talking about the “Christmas rush”, we can talk about “Christmas preparations”. Even such small details can help create what we call a festive atmosphere.
The emotional value of a personal wish
Christmas cards, whether sent by mail, e-mail or text message, are more than just an expression of politeness. They help us express our care for others. Have you ever tried replacing generic phrases with personalized wishes? Instead of the traditional “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”, try to come up with something more personal, tailored to the recipient’s interests or to your shared experience. Or simply take this opportunity to express what you value most in others. It doesn’t have to be long; even a short personal message can make a real impression.
The linguistic pitfalls of advertising language
Christmastime is also when advertisements attack us at every turn. Phrases like “the perfect gift”, “holiday discounts” or “last chance” push us to buy quickly. These marketing tricks are based on the power that words have to create a sense of urgency. Have you noticed that marketers like to use terms like “magical”, “miraculous” or “fairy tale”?
There is a reason for this: thanks to them, we subconsciously associate products with positive emotions and the atmosphere of the holidays. It is therefore important to maintain a critical approach and not make decisions based on commercial communication. Do not succumb to the pressure for “perfect gifts” or trendy Christmas “musts”. Choose gifts with your loved ones’ real needs and wants in mind and focus on what Christmas really means to us – inner peace, family time and shared joy.
The legacy of screenwriters and composers
And then there are Christmas movies and songs. As soon as we hear “Jingle Bells” or “All I Want for Christmas Is You”, we immediately enter Christmas mode. The lyrics of these songs use simple but effective messages that evoke nostalgia, joy and enthusiasm. Movies can do the same thing. Phrases like “Christmas is about love” or “Christmas is when miracles happen” once again remind us what is really important this time of year. In these cases, words carry a message that tells us to slow down and reflect on the true meaning of the holidays. By the way, do you have a favourite Christmas movie?
A big thanks to our partners
We do this every year, and we aim to do it properly. Use your words to express your sincere appreciation for the efforts of your partners, and be sure to mention specific achievements that you have accomplished together. Thank them for their loyalty. Whether it is an e-mail, a few chosen words during the last meeting before Christmas, or a short speech at a company party, be a role model and motivator for others; be a reminder of company values and a positive mindset.
As for the party: a friendly and informal tone will help to set a relaxing atmosphere, and it will encourage employees to get to know each other better and enjoy this festive time outside of work together. If the situation permits, end your speech with a toast and with wishes for a happy holiday. Think ahead of time about what you are going to say. It’s worth it!
Words at the Christmas table
Dinner is one of the most meaningful moments of Christmas, when family and friends gather around the table to celebrate festive moments together. It is not just about food; what really matters is sharing joy, love and connecting with one another. The words we use on this occasion have great power: they create an atmosphere, strengthen relationships and bring warmth into our homes. It is an opportunity to express love, gratitude and joy. Words set the tone for the entire evening (and quite possibly for the next few days) and evoke a sense of togetherness. Be honest and show gratitude for all that you have. It is not a cliché to say that the words we use during such special moments strengthen our bonds and help create the deeper meaning of Christmas.
Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We wish you peaceful and joyful holidays filled with love, understanding, and just the right words.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Indeed, words are such intricate mind-benders. 🙂