Here at Czech translations,
we haven’t forgotten about Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day is something we know no matter where in the world we are. No matter if you say Happy Mother’s Day or Všechno nejlepší ke Dni Matek, the sentiment is always the same. We love our Mammies and are grateful for everything they do for us.

As Mother’s Day is getting more and more commercialized, we thought we would take a look at different Mother’s Day traditions from around the world. Just to prove it’s more than just cards and flowers 🙂


The origins of Mother’s Day date back to ancient Greece, but we’ve only been celebrating it the way we know today since the early 20th century. Anna Jarvis (1864-1948), a social activist from Philadelphia, lobbied the US government for an official day to celebrate mothers. The day then took off in Britain when a lady called Constance Smith was inspired by a 1913 report of Jarivs’ campaign, and then campaigned for the day to be officially marked in England too.


Nowadays UK and Ireland celebrate in March, whereas here in the Czech Republic (and pretty much the rest of Europe), we celebrate on 14th May. You even have countries like Russia celebrating in November! Around the world, Mother’s Day celebrations are often held, but take a more traditional form. We’ve taken a look at these below.


  1. United Kingdom

In the UK, the reason Mothering Sunday is celebrated in March dates back to Medieval times. Many poorer families sent their children to go and work as domestic servants. As they were granted a rare day off during the Lenten season, they could go home, visit their “mother church” and families.

  1. Brazil

In Brazil, Mother’s Day is almost as popular as Christmas. On the second Sunday of May, you’re likely to find children’s performances and church gatherings which end up as a large family get-together.

  1. Japan

In Japan, Mother’s Day is also celebrated on the second Sunday of May. It is symbolized by carnations, which represent the strength of mothers in Japanese society.

  1. India

In India, they celebrate the Goddess Durga, or Divine Mother, during a 10 day festival in October called Durga Puja. This festival celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and gifts are normally given between family members.

  1. Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Mother’s Day is celebrated to mark the end of the rainy season, as part of a 3 day festival called the Antrosht festival, which is dedicated to Mums. Family’s usually come together for a large feast, and daughters bring vegetables and sons meat for a stew.


And what about you? How do you celebrate Mother’s Day in your country?
Leave us a comment and let us know 🙂



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