
ELIA (ND Vienna) 2018 – Networking days

A few random photos from ELIA’s October conference we could not miss out on, with our Sales Manager Klára proudly representing České překlady (Czech Translations).

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An inspirational evening with digital storyteller Michelle Losekoot

The České překlady sales team, well-coordinated and excited about the phenomenon of viral advertising, attended the seminar of digital storyteller Michelle Losekoot on the subject of content marketing, creative writing and community management. We are grateful to Michelle for a great deal of inspiration, enthusiasm and perfect dedication to modern communication.   During the seminar, […]

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Here at Czech translations,
we haven’t forgotten about Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day is something we know no matter where in the world we are. No matter if you say Happy Mother’s Day or Všechno nejlepší ke Dni Matek, the sentiment is always the same. We love our Mammies and are grateful for everything they do for us. As Mother’s Day is getting more and more […]

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